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Somos una Empresa de Transporte de Servicios Logísticos  con más de 19 años de experiencia en el mercado nacional. Formamos parte del Grupo Empresarial INDUAMERICA. Nuestro éxito se basa en el equipo humano que nos acompaña en todas nuestras operaciones. Contamos con más de 500 colaboradores capacitados y especializados, de la mano de las tecnologías que interactúan dinámicamente para ofrecer un servicio personalizado en excelencia.


Convertirnos en Operadores Logísticos de la cadena de valor del transporte en el Norte y parte de Lima.”2


“Ser un referente TOP de la operación logística de transporte de carga del Perú.”

Sapien montes euismod penatibus consequat vivamus hendrerit nisl non fermentum, eleifend nascetur leo auctor fames velit

How It Works

Company History

Digital Logistics Solution

The history of logistics dates back ancient civilizations, where the development of transportation systems & trade networks played crucial role the exchange of goods and information. With the rise of large-scale commerce, the need for efficient logistics systems became increasingly important.

Sapien montes euismod penatibus consequat vivamus hendrerit nisl non eleifend nascetur leo auctor fames velit solutions.

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Digital Logistics Solution

The history of logistics dates back ancient civilizations, where the development of transportation systems & trade networks played crucial role the exchange of goods and information. With the rise of large-scale commerce, the need for efficient logistics systems became increasingly important.

Sapien montes euismod penatibus consequat vivamus hendrerit nisl non eleifend nascetur leo auctor fames velit solutions.

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Digital Logistics Solution

The history of logistics dates back ancient civilizations, where the development of transportation systems & trade networks played crucial role the exchange of goods and information. With the rise of large-scale commerce, the need for efficient logistics systems became increasingly important.

Sapien montes euismod penatibus consequat vivamus hendrerit nisl non eleifend nascetur leo auctor fames velit solutions.

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Induamerica Servicios Logísticos
Induamerica Servicios Logísticos
Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

How It Works

Meet Expert Team

Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Honey Deep

Chief Officer

Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Marino David

Founder & CEO

Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Diano Publica

Drive Manager

Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Verna Aardema


Induamerica Servicios Logísticos
Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

How It Works

How We Deliver Your Parcel

Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Parcel Register

One of the key components of best logistics solutions industy

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Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Parcel Loading

One of the key components of best logistics solutions industy

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Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

Parcel In-transit

One of the key components of best logistics solutions industy

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Parcel Delivery

One of the key components of best logistics solutions industy

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Induamerica Servicios Logísticos

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